Blog Archives



  • How Akka.NET Actors Process Messages
  • April

  • Akka.NET, ASP.NET Core, Hosted Services, and Dependency Injection
  • March

  • Distributing State Reliably with Akka.Cluster.Sharding
  • February

  • .NET Performance Optimization: Deferred Allocations
  • New Akka.NET Training Courses and Support Plans
  • 2023


  • Solving Major Database Contention Problems with Throttling and Akka.NET Streams
  • November

  • 10 Years of Building Akka.NET
  • September

  • Don't Build Your Own Bespoke Company Frameworks on Top of Akka.NET
  • July

  • How We Made Phobos 2.4's OpenTelemetry Usage 62% Faster
  • March

  • Akka.NET v1.5: No Hocon, No Lighthouse, No Problem
  • Akka.NET v1.5 is Now Available
  • February

  • Scaling Akka.Persistence.Query to 100k+ Concurrent Queries for Large-Scale CQRS
  • January

  • 2022 Akka.NET Year-in-Review and Future Roadmap
  • 2022


  • .NET 7.0's Performance Improvements with Dynamic PGO are Incredible
  • September

  • Lightbend's Akka License Change and Akka.NET
  • May

  • Phobos 2.0 Released - OpenTelemetry Meets Akka.NET
  • April

  • Introducing Akka.Hosting - HOCONless Akka.NET Configuration and Runtime
  • March

  • Announcing Petabridge.Templates 2.0 - Professional Akka.NET Application and Library Templates
  • February

  • Async / Await vs. PipeTo in Akka.NET Actors
  • 2021


  • Phobos Updates: Improvements and Upcoming OpenTelemetry Support
  • September

  • High Optionality Programming: Software Architectures that Reduce Technical Debt - Part 1
  • August

  • Why and When to Use Akka.Streams
  • May

  • Best Practices for Integrating Akka.NET with ASP.NET Core and SignalR
  • Case Study: Vertech Using Akka.NET for Device Simulation
  • April

  • How to Build Headless Akka.NET Services with IHostedService
  • January

  • Akka.NET Dependency Injection Best Practices
  • Real World Akka.NET Clustering: Process Managers and Long-Running Operations
  • 2020


  • Phobos v1.0.0 - Programmatic Configuration, Improved Integrations, and Reduced Pricing
  • November

  • Real World Akka.NET Clustering: State Machines
  • October

  • Now Open for Business: Sdkbin - the Marketplace for .NET Developers
  • June

  • The Current State of OpenTelemetry in .NET
  • March

  • Akka.NET v1.4 is Available on .NET Standard 2.0
  • January

  • Introduction to Akka.Streams
  • 2019


  • How to Use Github Professionally
  • July

  • Best Practices for Designing Akka.NET Domain Events and Commands
  • May

  • New Akka.Remote and Akka.Cluster.Sharding Command Palettes for Petabridge.Cmd
  • February

  • Akka.NET vs. Kafka, RabbitMQ, and Other Messaging Systems
  • 2018


  • Why You Should be Paying Attention to OpenTracing
  • September

  • New Phobos Release: v0.6.0 - Jaeger, Application Insights, and Akka.Cluster Sharding Support
  • What Happens When Akka.NET Actors Restart
  • How Distributed Tracing Solves One of the Worst Microservices Problems
  • August

  • Introducing Phobos: Enterprise DevOps Suite for Akka.NET
  • June

  • The Proper Care and Feeding of Akka.NET Clusters: Understanding Reachability vs. Membership
  • 2017


  • Petabridge.Cmd and Akka.Monitoring Updated to Support Akka.NET v1.3.1
  • August

  • Akka.NET v1.3 is Now Available on .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.6
  • Akka.NET has Joined the .NET Foundation
  • June

  • Introducing Petabridge.Cmd - a Command-line Management Tool for Akka.NET Applications
  • May

  • Akka.NET 2017 Roadmap Update
  • April

  • Akka.NET 1.2: Production-ready Akka.Cluster.Tools and Akka.Streams
  • February

  • Introduction to Distributed Publish-Subscribe in Akka.NET
  • January

  • Technical Overview of Akka.Cluster.Sharding in Akka.NET
  • Introduction to Akka.Cluster.Sharding in Akka.NET
  • 2016


  • Designing Akka.NET Applications from Scratch Part 2: Hierarchies and SOLID Principles
  • September

  • Free Webinar on September 26th: Introduction to Akka.NET and Akka.Cluster
  • Case Study: DigiOutsource Uses Akka.NET to Grow Revenue by 35%
  • Designing Akka.NET Applications from Scratch Part 1: Go with the Flow
  • August

  • Certified Akka.NET Builds and Akka.NET Support Plans
  • July

  • Distributing State in Akka.Cluster Applications
  • Akka.NET 1.1: Production-ready Akka.Cluster; Akka.Streams Beta
  • May

  • Akka.NET Near-Term Roadmap: 1.1 Akka.Cluster RTM on June 14; 1.5, 1.6 Releases
  • The Business Case for Actors and Akka.NET
  • April

  • Performance Testing Should be Mandatory
  • March

  • Why You Should Try to Avoid Exactly Once Message Delivery
  • How to Guarantee Delivery of Messages in Akka.NET
  • February

  • Akka.NET Virtual Meetup #3 on February 29th
  • January

  • Learning the Github Workflow
  • Akka.NET Virtual Meetup #2 on January 26th
  • Creating Persistent Actors in Akka.NET with Akka.Persistence
  • 2015


  • Introducing NBench - an Automated Performance Testing Framework for .NET Applications
  • November

  • How to Unit Test Akka.NET Actors with Akka.TestKit
  • September

  • The New .NET Stack
  • How to Stop an Actor... the Right Way
  • The Top 7 Mistakes Newbies Make with Akka.NET
  • August

  • How to Integrate Akka.NET and ASP.NET (and Nancy!)
  • The Inevitable Rise of the Stateful Web Application
  • Akka.NET Goes to Wall Street
  • Announcing: Akka.NET Virtual Meetup
  • July

  • Large Messages and Sockets in Akka.NET
  • June

  • Meet the Top Akka.NET Design Patterns
  • How to Create Scalable Clustered Applications Using Akka.Cluster
  • Akka.NET v1.0.2 Released - Akka.Cluster Fixes, Akka.Persistence.Cassandra, Akka.Persistence.PostgreSQL, and more!
  • Akka.NET: How to Remotely Deploy Actors Using Akka.Remote
  • May

  • Scale Your Apps Without Rewriting Code
  • When Should I Use Actor Selection?
  • Akka.NET 2015-2016 Roadmap
  • Akka.NET Internals: How Akka.Remote Connections Work
  • April

  • How to Start Contributing to Open Source Software
  • Akka.NET Leaves Beta To Bring the Reactive Model to .NET
  • March

  • No More FoundationDBs
  • Akka.NET v1.0 is Code Complete
  • Building Finite State Machines With Actors: Switchable Behavior
  • Announcing Akka.NET Professional Services
  • February

  • Introducing... Akka.NET Bootcamp!
  • The Road to Akka.NET v1.0
  • Akka.NET v0.8 Release - Dependency Injection, Akka.Persistence, and More!
  • How Actors Recover from Failure
  • January

  • How to Do Asynchronous I/O with Akka.NET Actors Using PipeTo
  • Akka.NET: What is an Actor?
  • Akka.NET - One Year Later