Designing Akka.NET Applications from Scratch Part 1: Go with the Flow
Writing Code That Ages Well
Since releasing Akka.NET 1.1 I’ve been spending more time sharpening the saw here at Petabridge. Combing over the ways we spend our time and money and quantifying the returns that provides to us and to our customers. As it turns out, quantifying this is rather difficult for reasons that are all-too-common in the business world: data silos.
Our “business output” is measured and recorded in a number of disparate, disconnected, off-the-shelf systems. For example: We record our sales through Stripe and Quickbooks Online, but we never correlate them with the end-user interactions with Akka.NET Bootcamp, our YouTube videos, or our blog.
We want a complete picture of what really lead to a sale or to a successful deployment of Akka.NET, because that helps tell us what were good investments of our resources. So in order to do this I started designing a business intelligence application called “Brute” designed to perpetually stream information from all of these sources into a consolidated view. The first version of it is extremely simple but we have plans to expand what it does and the number of systems it can connect to.
Designing an Akka.NET Application
I decided that “Brute” presented a good opportunity for Petabridge to dogfood Akka.NET, especially some of the new modules such as Akka.Streams and Akka.Cluster.Sharding. Thus I’ve spent the past few weeks in the design process writing specifications, models, and documentation.
Protocol-Driven Design
Here’s the catch with designing an Akka.NET application, or really, any actor-based application: your actors aren’t the correct place to begin the design.
Instead, you always want to start the design of any Akka.NET application with the flow of events and information that go through it.