Distributing State Reliably with Akka.Cluster.Sharding
A straightforward introduction to Akka.Cluster.Sharding
13 minutes to readWe’ve had a number of posts on Akka.Cluster.Sharding on this blog:
- “Introduction to Akka.Cluster.Sharding in Akka.NET”
- “Technical Overview of Akka.Cluster.Sharding in Akka.NET”
Both of those were written by Bartosz Sypytkowski, who originally contributed those features to Akka.NET. We’ve had a lot of demand for an updated introduction video to Akka.Cluster.Sharding that explores the concepts, behavior, code, and configuration of Akka.Cluster.Sharding in more detail than previously - and so I’ve produced a video doing just that: “Distributing State Reliably with Akka.Cluster.Sharding”
This is my companion blog post to go along with the video - I’m not going to cover everything in the video, but I’ll provide a high-level synopsis that explains:
- What Akka.Cluster.Sharding does;
- When you should use it; and
- How it works.
Watch “Distributing State Reliably with Akka.Cluster.Sharding” for the complete details, or read on for the high level overview.