Introducing... Akka.NET Bootcamp!
5 minutes to readOver the last several months, interest in Akka.NET has increased dramatically. And yet, many people find the actor model intimidating and can’t seem to really get up and running. Developers want to learn how to use Akka.NET, but where do they go? There haven’t been very many good answers to that question. Until now.
We decided to fix that.
And so…
Introducing Bootcamp
I’m pleased to announce that we’ve launched Akka.NET Bootcamp to provide this exact learning resource to developers everywhere!
We put bootcamp together to help you learn the insanely powerful actor model in an accessible, fun way. The course starts from fundamentals and takes you all the way to knowing what you need to in order to create sophisticated, distributed apps in .NET.
What Is Bootcamp?
Bootcamp is a free, self-directed learning course. You can do it at whatever pace you wish. Bootcamp launched initially in C# only, but F# support is almost done. Hundreds of developers around the world are already members of Bootcamp.
Why Should I Do Bootcamp?
You know that you need to get ahead of the curve and learn about distributed computing, functional programming, and cloud computing. When we started learning about distributed computing, we were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things we needed to know. Consistent hashing, consensus algorithms, PAXOS, Raft, replication strategies… the list goes on and on.