Akka.NET supports all of the popular unit test frameworks: NUnit, xUnit, and MsTest via its array of Akka.TestKit packages. In this lesson we’re going to learn the 20% of the TestKit you need for 80% of use cases in order to validate that the DocumentWordCounter actor we wrote in the previous lesson is working correctly.

Testing Actors

“All of our weaknesses are our strengths taken to an extreme” - unknown.

One inherent issue with testing actors is that, by design, actors are designed to encapsulate their internal state and behavior, preventing direct external access. Therefore, using vanilla C# and F# testing tools is going to be problematic.

Enter the Akka.NET TestKit - a set of testing utilites that are testing-framework-agnostic and are designed to do the following:

  1. Create a fully isolated ActorSystem for every test instance, in order to prevent cross-pollination and contamination;
  2. Provide tools that make it easy to test external actor behavior (i.e. replying to messages); and
  3. Provide tools that make it possible to access internal actor state, such as the ActorOfAsTestActorRef<TActor>() method.

In this unit we’re not going to explore every possible piece of functionality inside the TestKit as those are all actually pretty easy to discover via IDE auto-completion, but we will demonstrate how to use the TestKit to design simple, effective, and easy-to-understand tests.

Creating the AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests Project

We need to add a new project to our existing AkkaWordCounter2.sln file.

If you get stuck at any point during these coding exercises, please refer to the Unit-1 source code on https://github.com/petabridge/akka-bootcamp/

Add a new “xUnit Test Project” to the solution and call it AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests - your .csproj should have all of the same content as the reference code here: AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests.csproj

You can just copy and paste that XML into your .csproj and run dotnet build to restore all of the correct NuGet packages.

Ok, does your .csproj look like the reference file1? If so, we are ready to move on.

Writing Your First TestKit Test

Inside the AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests add a new file called DocumentWordCounterSpecs.cs and type in the following:

using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.TestKit.Xunit2;
using AkkaWordCounter2.App.Actors;
using Xunit.Abstractions;

namespace AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests;

public class DocumentWordCounterSpecs : TestKit
    public static readonly Akka.Configuration.Config Config = "akka.loglevel=DEBUG";
    public DocumentWordCounterSpecs(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output: output, config: Config)
    public static readonly AbsoluteUri TestDocumentUri = new(new Uri("http://example.com/test"));

    public async Task ShouldProcessWordCountsCorrectly()
        // arrange
        var props = Props.Create(() => new DocumentWordCounter(TestDocumentUri));
        var actor = Sys.ActorOf(props);

        IReadOnlyList<IWithDocumentId> messages = [
            new DocumentEvents.WordsFound(TestDocumentUri, ["hello", "world"]),
            new DocumentEvents.WordsFound(TestDocumentUri, ["bar", "foo"]),
            new DocumentEvents.WordsFound(TestDocumentUri, ["HeLlo", "wOrld"]),
            new DocumentEvents.EndOfDocumentReached(TestDocumentUri)
        // have the TestActor subscribe to updates
        actor.Tell(new DocumentQueries.FetchCounts(TestDocumentUri), TestActor);
        // act
        foreach (var message in messages)
        // assert
        var response = await ExpectMsgAsync<DocumentEvents.CountsTabulatedForDocument>();
        Assert.Equal(6, response.WordFrequencies.Count); // words are case sensitive

The ShouldProcessWordCountsCorrectly is going to test the DocumentWordCounter actor by feeding it a sequence of IWithDocumentId messages which closely match the real-world input this actor is going to receive. At the end of that sequence, the TestActor - a special actor that is built-in to the TestKit base class, should receive the completed output: a CountsTabulatedForDocument output with 6 distinct terms appearing in its contents.

Let’s break down how this test works.

Using the TestKit

There are three different families of TestKit packages to choose from:

  1. Akka.TestKit.xUnit - this is what we use internally and it gets the best support.
  2. Akka.TestKit.NUnit - NUnit testing support.
  3. Akka.TestKit.MSTest - rarely used these days.

If you followed the directions earlier in this article, you’ve already installed the Akka.TestKit.Xunit2 package into AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests otherwise the test we just wrote wouldn’t compile.

The first thing we have to do when using the TestKit is make sure all of our test fixtures inherit from the TestKit base class! This is what ensures that we get a unique ActorSystem, a TestActor, and all of the other built-in testing infrastructure we need to test our actors.

Configuring the ActorSystem

Now by default the TestKit does not support Akka.Hosting, so you have to configure it using HOCON - Akka.NET’s string-based configuration format.

Later in this Unit of Akka.NET Bootcamp we’re going to learn how to use the Akka.Hosting.TestKit which avoids having to use HOCON at all. Generally speaking, we’re trying to abstract away HOCON as we continue to develop Akka.NET.

Here’s how we do that in DocumentWordCounterSpecs:

public class DocumentWordCounterSpecs : TestKit
    public static readonly Akka.Configuration.Config Config = "akka.loglevel=DEBUG";
    public DocumentWordCounterSpecs(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output: output, config: Config)

We pass the Akka.Configuration.Config object containing our HOCON into the base class constructor2 - in this case all we’re doing is lowering the default LogLevel from Info to Debug so we can see more logs.

[!TIP] And one additional tip for xUnit users: always make sure your tests accept an ITestOutputHelper in their constructors and then pass that down to the base class’ constructor too. This will ensure that all of Akka.NET’s logs are captured by xUnit’s output engine correctly.

Using the TestActor

The TestActor is a “fully assertable” actor that is built into the TestKit - we can assert what types of messages it receives, whether it not it received anything, and so on.

The TestActor is also always the implicit Sender when sending messages from inside a unit test to any other actor type - but in order to make the test really obvious for training purposes, we’ve made the TestActor the explicit sender on the FetchCounts message to the DocumentWordCounter.

actor.Tell(new DocumentQueries.FetchCounts(TestDocumentUri), TestActor);

If our DocumentWordCounter actor is implemented correctly, we should see the following assertion pass.

var response = await ExpectMsgAsync<DocumentEvents.CountsTabulatedForDocument>();

All ExpectMsgAsync<T> calls are designed to fail if they:

  1. Don’t receive any message within 3 seconds by default or
  2. Receive a message OTHER than the constraints specified by the T and the other optional parameters on the method.

You can lengthen the timeout on an individual ExpectMsgAsync<T> call by passing in a longer TimeSpan on one of the optional parameters, or you can wrap the ExpectMsgAsync<T> call inside a WithinAsync block:

await WithinAsync(async () =>{
    // both calls must complete within the same 10 second window, not two separate ones
    await ExpectMsgAsync<DocumentEvents.CountsTabulatedForDocument>();
    await ExpectMsgAsync<DocumentEvents.CountsTabulatedForDocument>();
}, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))

Running the Tests

Run dotnet test and see what happens:

[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.644Z][Thread 0015][akka://test/user/$a] Found 2 words in document http://example.com/test
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.644Z][Thread 0015][akka://test/user/$a] Found 2 words in document http://example.com/test
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.644Z][Thread 0015][akka://test/user/$a] Found 2 words in document http://example.com/test
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0015][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [before-service-unbind] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [service-unbind] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [service-requests-done] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [service-stop] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [before-cluster-shutdown] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [cluster-sharding-shutdown-region] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [cluster-leave] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [cluster-exiting] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [cluster-exiting-done] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [cluster-shutdown] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.662Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [before-actor-system-terminate] with [0] tasks.
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.666Z][Thread 0017][CoordinatedShutdown (akka://test)] Performing phase [actor-system-terminate] with [1] tasks: [terminate-system]
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.666Z][Thread 0017][ActorSystem(test)] System shutdown initiated
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.671Z][Thread 0011][EventStream] Shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
[DEBUG][02/06/2025 22:44:03.671Z][Thread 0011][EventStream] All default loggers stopped

The test passes and we’re looking good!

Wrapping Up

That’s it for our quick introduction to the Akka.NET TestKit - in the next lesson we’re going to revisit the actor hierarchy and learn how to spawn some child actors and how to use the ReceiveActor base type built into Akka.NET.

Further Reading

  1. We’re not embedding the XML from the reference project’s AkkaWordCounter2.App.Tests.csproj directly into the written tutorial so we can avoid byte-rot. Dependabot can automatically update the reference tutorial - it can’t update this web page. 

  2. You can look up all of the default HOCON options for all of Akka.NET here: https://getakka.net/articles/configuration/modules/akka.html