Welcome to Akka.NET Bootcamp - a free, self-paced course designed to help you learn how to build Akka.NET applications from scratch.

Akka.NET Bootcamp - a free, self-paced course for learning Akka.NET

If you’ve signed up for our Bootcamp Emails, each of these units will be delivered to you roughly once every 2 days. You’ll also get the latest posts from our blog, Beyond HTTP, delivered to you.

Getting Started

To get started with Akka.NET Bootcamp, please do the following things:

  1. Fork and git clone the https://github.com/petabridge/akka-bootcamp repository onto your local machine. This repository contains the code samples you’ll be building / modifying and also includes the finished product, in case you get stuck.
      git clone https://github.com/petabridge/akka-bootcamp.git
  2. Subscribe to Petabridge on YouTube - ok, you don’t have to do this but we’d appreciate it.
  3. Install the Akka.Templates package onto your machine - you’ll need this for some of the lessons and it will also make sure you have Visual Studio / Rider / dotnet new templates available on your local machine for whenever you want to create an Akka.NET project.
dotnet new install "Akka.Templates::*"

And if you already have the templates installed but wish to update them:

dotnet new update

Get Lessons via Email

Sign up to have Bootcamp delivered to your inbox - you can just jump right into the material here on this page without signing up, but - if you would like to:

  1. Receive bootcamp lessons via email, in case you can’t get it all done in one sitting;
  2. Receive updates about future additions to Akka.NET Bootcamp; or
  3. Receive other educational content that we produce, such as our live webinars and excellent blog posts

Then please sign up via email! We’ll make sure you get all of the above.


  1. Bootcamp Overview and Directions
  2. Unit-0: Basics of Akka.NET
    1. Why Learn Akka.NET?
    2. Our First Akka.NET Application
    3. Effective Actor Messaging
  3. Unit-1: Building Local Akka.NET Applications
    1. Using Akka.Templates to Create New Projects
    2. Leveraging Actor Hierarchies for Domain Modeling
    3. Behavior Switching and Receive Timeouts
    4. Testing Actors with Akka.TestKit
    5. Working with Child Actors
    6. Actors and Async / Await
    7. Akka.Hosting, Routers, and Dependency Injection
    8. Integration Testing with Akka.Hosting.TestKit
    9. Using IOptions and Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
    10. Writing Sagas with Actors and Message Stashing
  4. Future Bootcamp Units and Lessons