In this lesson, we will explore using Akka.NET actors’ behavior switching and ReceiveTimeout capabilities in order to complete the next phase of AkkaWordCounter2.

Finite State Machines

When a developer hears the term “finite state machine” they will think one of three things:

  1. What on earth is that?
  2. An ancient programming concept I learned in college but never used; or
  3. Extremely powerful tool for modeling domains in software.

By the end of this lesson, we want everyone to be in category 3.

A finite state machine is a simple yet powerful model that captures the idea of a system with a limited number of states, transitioning between these states in response to external inputs.

    [*] --> OnReceive
    OnReceive --> Running: msg1
    Running --> Complete: msg2
    Complete --> [*]: Context.Stop

With actors, we use behavior switching as our primary tool for modeling state machines. And as a preview - behavior switching is one of Akka.NET’s most powerful features.

Modeling the DocumentWordCounter

The first actor we’re going to implement is the DocumentWordCounter - it’s ultimately responsible for totaling all of the word frequencies that appear on a single document.

Therefore, we have a few implicit requirements with this actor:

  1. There is a definitive beginning and end to this actor’s workflow - once we receive the DocumentEvents.EndOfDocumentReached message, we are done.
  2. If we receive any more DocumentEvents.WordsFound after receiving the DocumentEvents.EndOfDocumentReached then it was sent in error.
  3. If we receive a DocumentQueries.FetchCounts message before we’re done tabulating the results, we need to wait until we’ve fully processed every DocumentEvents.WordsFound message until we’re ready to respond.

All of these requirements can be easily addressed with a state machine.

    [*] --> OnReceive
    OnReceive --> Complete: EndOfDocumentReached
    Complete --> [*]: ReceiveTimeout

    state OnReceive {
        [*] --> Active
        Active --> Active : WordsFound

    state Complete {
        [*] --> Done
        Done --> Done : IWithDocumentId (Log warning)

Implementing the DocumentWordCounter

Our state machine diagram above may not make total sense until we look at the code, so let’s do that next.

Create a new folder called Actors in AkkaWordCounter2.App - and then add a new file called DocumentWordCounter.cs to it. The full path should be AkkaWordCounter2.App/Actors/DocumentWordCounter.cs.

Enter the following code into the file:

using System.Collections.Immutable;
using static AkkaWordCounter2.App.DocumentEvents;
using static AkkaWordCounter2.App.DocumentQueries;
namespace AkkaWordCounter2.App.Actors;

public sealed class DocumentWordCounter : UntypedActor
    private readonly AbsoluteUri _documentId;
    private readonly ILoggingAdapter _log = Context.GetLogger();
    private readonly Dictionary<string, int> _wordCounts = new();
    private readonly HashSet<IActorRef> _subscribers = new();

    public DocumentWordCounter(AbsoluteUri documentId)
        _documentId = documentId;
    // Our default behavior when we're running
    protected override void OnReceive(object message)
        switch (message)
            case WordsFound wordsFound when wordsFound.DocumentId == _documentId:
                _log.Debug("Found {0} words in document {1}", wordsFound.Tokens.Count, _documentId);
                foreach (var word in wordsFound.Tokens)
                    if (!_wordCounts.TryAdd(word, 1))
            case FetchCounts subscribe when subscribe.DocumentId == _documentId:
            case EndOfDocumentReached endOfDocumentReached when endOfDocumentReached.DocumentId == _documentId:
                var output = new CountsTabulatedForDocument(_documentId, _wordCounts.ToImmutableDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));
                foreach (var subscriber in _subscribers)
                // processing is done - change behaviors
            case IWithDocumentId withDocumentId when withDocumentId.DocumentId != _documentId:
                _log.Warning("Received message for document {0} but I am responsible for document {1}", withDocumentId.DocumentId, _documentId);
            case ReceiveTimeout:
                _log.Warning("Document {0} timed out", _documentId);

    private void Complete(object message)
        switch (message)
            case FetchCounts:
                Sender.Tell(new CountsTabulatedForDocument(_documentId, _wordCounts.ToImmutableDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)));
            case IWithDocumentId withDocumentId when withDocumentId.DocumentId == _documentId:
                _log.Warning("Received message for document {0} but I have already completed processing", withDocumentId.DocumentId);
            case IWithDocumentId withDocumentId when withDocumentId.DocumentId != _documentId:
                _log.Warning("Received message for document {0} but I am responsible for document {1}", withDocumentId.DocumentId, _documentId);
            case ReceiveTimeout:
                // no need for warning here

    protected override void PreStart()

Let’s walk through what we just did - we have two different behaviors for this actor: OnReceive, our default behavior on all UntypedActors, and Complete.

Switching Behaviors

In the OnReceive behavior we’re accepting WordsFound events provided that the AbsoluteUri of the document matches the AbsoluteUri that was passed into the DocumentWordCounter’s constructor - otherwise we log a warning. For each WordsFound event we populate our Dictionary<string,int> with updated values.

That’s 90% of what we do in this behavior - the other two things we’re doing are:

  1. If an actor sends us a FetchCounts message with a matching URI, we can’t reply to them until we receive the EndOfDocumentReached message because we’re still tabulating. So we just stick the actor who sent us that message into the DocumentWordCounter’s _subscribers collection until we’re ready.
  2. Once we receive the EndOfDocumentReached then we are done tabulating! We send an immutable copy of our running totals to all of our subscribers and then here’s the important part - we call Become(Completed) to transition our behavior over to the Completed state.

We have a great blog post and video on “Akka.NET Actors’ Hidden Super Power: Behavior Switching” that goes into full detail on behavior switching and its utility, but we’ll do the short version below.

When you call Become({new behavior method}) you are telling the actor: stop using your previous behavior and only start using this new one. This means we discard all previous message handlers and use only those defined in the Complete method.

Generally, in the Complete behavior all we’re doing is replying back to queries and logging warnings for any other messages we might receive. One notable exception to this, however, is the ReceiveTimeout.

ReceiveTimeout for Terminating Idle Actors

By default, actors in Akka.NET live indefinitely - there’s no magic garbage collector running around trying to guess which actors are in-use and which ones are not. This aligns with the framework’s unopinionated design philosophy.

Therefore, if you’re going to be spawning lots of child actors on-demand you want some means of keeping memory consumption under control.

Enter the ReceiveTimeout - a very simple construct built into the Akka.NET core library that is designed to function as a “sliding window” timeout. Each time an actor receives a message1 its “receive timeout” window is restored back to its original full value.

    participant AkkaActor
    participant Sender
    participant SystemScheduler

    Note right of AkkaActor: Set ReceiveTimeout(duration)
    AkkaActor->>SystemScheduler: Start timeout timer

    Sender->>AkkaActor: Message 1 received
    AkkaActor->>SystemScheduler: Reset timeout timer

    Sender->>AkkaActor: Message 2 received
    AkkaActor->>SystemScheduler: Reset timeout timer

    Note right of SystemScheduler: No message received in duration
    SystemScheduler->>AkkaActor: Send ReceiveTimeout message

    Note right of AkkaActor: Handle ReceiveTimeout (e.g., stop and cleanup)

In this particular instance, you can see us setting a 2-minute receive timeout inside the PreStart method of the DocumentWordCounter actor:

protected override void PreStart()

Once we go two minutes without receiving any messages the Akka.NET scheduler will send us a ReceiveTimeout message:

case ReceiveTimeout:
    // no need for warning here

In that particular instance, inside the Complete state, we just shut ourselves down via Context.Stop as the actor is probably no longer needed any longer.

Wrapping Up

That’s it for this lesson! In the next lesson we are going to use the Akka.TestKit to author some unit tests for our DocumentWordCounter.

Further Reading

  1. You can design messages that don’t affect ReceiveTimeouts by having those messages implement the INotInfluenceReceiveTimeout interface