What is Akka.NET?

Akka.NET is a C# and F# implementation of the actor model, a very old computer science concept aimed at simplifying concurrent and parallel programs.

Actors are designed primarily to simplify concurrent programming - stateful concurrent programming in particular by doing the following:

  1. All state is housed inside actor class instances;
  2. Actors can only be interacted with through message passing; and
  3. Messages are processed in sequential order, one message at a time.

This has the important side effect of making all state managed by actors automatically thread-safe and making actor invocation order predictable (actors process messages in the order that they were sent to them.) No more locks, semaphores, critical regions, and so on.


Before we get into the particulars of Akka.NET, a pertinent question:

Can I use Akka.NET in commercial software?

The answer is a resounding “yes!” Akka.NET is licensed under Apache 2.0, a permissive and commercially-friendly FOSS software license.

Use Cases for Actors

There are two different strata of use cases for actors:

  • Critical business cases - applications that require predictably low latency, high availability, decentralization, and so on.
  • Acute technical cases - dispatching completed background work to the foreground UI, task scheduling + ordering, flow control, throttling, caching, and more.

Akka.NET is extremely versatile - it can scale up to support large distributed systems in the “critical business case” category or it can be embedded into ASP.NET Core / console / native UI applications to perform acute technical work.

You can run Akka.NET in the background inside most .NET applications; you can run Akka.Cluster with tens, hundreds, and even thousands of Akka.NET processes all working cooperatively together; or you can do a mix of both. Akka.NET doesn’t have strong opinions about where it should be used.

Industries and Use Cases

In case you’re wondering about business use cases for Akka.NET, here’s some examples of where Akka.NET has been used successfully at large scale:

  1. Banking: online transaction processing, real-time fraud detection, CRM, asset line management, ForEx, and more.
  2. Insurance: real-time quote generation, fraud detection, payments, customer contact campaigns, and more.
  3. Finance: portfolio management, trade capture systems, real-time trading, risk indicators, simulations and forecasting, live dashboards, and more.
  4. Sports Betting: odds-making, market-making, transaction processing, loyalty rewards, and more.
  5. E-Commerce: real-time pricing, graph search, inventory management, fulfillment systems, and more.
  6. Software-as-a-Service: real-time collaboration, dashboards, systems integration, workflows, and more.
  7. Video games: multi-player, game lobbies, chat, NPC activity, and more.
  8. Manufacturing: Industry 3.0 / 4.0, SCADA, process line control systems, real-time scheduling, simulations, safety monitoring, robot automation, and more.
  9. Energy: meter data management, simulations, safety monitoring, field production monitoring, and more.
  10. Fleet and Vehicle Management: mission / flight planning, cargo tracking, scheduling, autonomous vehicles, and more.

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, but it should answer the question “is Akka.NET suitable for big applications?”

What Does Akka.NET Do?

The basic gist of the actor model is that all of your business objects are represented as actors:

public class BasicActor : UntypedActor {
    // can declare properties / fields, like any old class

    protected override void OnReceive(object message)
        // handle different message classes

What’s so special about actors?

  • Actors communicate asynchronously via message-passing - we don’t invoke methods on them, we send them messages instead;
  • Actors process messages one-at-a-time in First-In First-Out (FIFO) order - this means that any state inside an actor is automatically thread-safe;
  • Actors are reactive - actors don’t utilize any CPU resources unless they have messages that need to be processed. Otherwise, they’ll just wait for work to sent to them.
  • Actors are cheap and efficient - capable of processing small bursts of messages with no context switching, a single bare-bones actor can process 7-8 million messages per second. And by default, actors use ~1kb of memory or less.
  • Actors have a process-like lifecycle - they can restart when they crash with an unhandled exception; they can spawn child actors; and parents have the ability to supervise their children in order to decide how to handle failures.

Given the above, this makes it much easier to reason about concurrent programming than the alternatives: using lock and other synchronization mechanisms.

Actors Simplify Concurrent Programming

How do actors simplify concurrent programming? Let’s consider an example: processing live messages in a chatroom.

Example: Chatroom

    participant Alice
    participant Bob
    participant Charlie
    participant Chatroom

    Alice->>Chatroom: Sends "Hello!"
    activate Chatroom
    Chatroom->>Bob: Broadcasts "Alice: Hello!"
    Chatroom->>Charlie: Broadcasts "Alice: Hello!"
    Chatroom->>Alice: Broadcasts "Alice: Hello!"
    deactivate Chatroom

When user Alice sends a message to the chatroom, we have to broadcast that message back to every other user who is currently connected, typically via a websocket connection like SignalR.

Let’s set aside, for a moment, the HTTP / WebSocket / client-side technology we could need to deliver this experience to users over a web-browser - let’s focus on the back-end technology since that’s where Akka.NET has a part to play.

If you had a chat room with the following requirements:

  1. All messages must be persisted;
  2. All users must be shown the same messages in the same order;
  3. New users must be synchronized to the latest n chat messages, so they can catch up with current users; and
  4. All users must see new chat messages within 1 second of them being published.

You would need infrastructure that looks akin to this:

    participant C as Client (JS or WASM)
    participant WS as WebSocket Server (SignalR)
    participant R as Redis
    participant H as Persistence Handler
    participant PG as PostgreSQL

    C->>WS: 1. Send Message
    WS->>R: 2. Store in Temp List (RPUSH pending:{msgId})
    R-->>WS: 2a. Temp ACK
    WS-->>C: 2b. "Message Received" (not delivered)
    R->>H: 3. BRPOP pending_queue
    PG->>H: 4a. TX STARTED
    H->>PG: 4b. INSERT message
    PG->>H: 4c. TX COMMITTED
    H->>R: 5. LPUSH confirmed:{chatId} {msg}
    R->>WS: 6. PUBLISH confirmed:{chatId}
    WS->>C: 7. Broadcast Message

Nothing wrong with that stack, but that’s a lot of systems infrastructure to have to write instead of doing… Actual application programming.

Chatroom: Akka.NET

Let’s compare this to an Akka.NET equivalent.

N.B. This code sample is intentionally kept simple. We’ll get into best practices later in Bootcamp.

public sealed class ChatRoomActor : UntypedActor {

    /* Message definitions - don't have to be a nested class, but doing this for brevity */
    public sealed record UserJoined(string UserId, string ChatId IActorRef ConnectionActor);
    public sealed record UserLeft(string UserId, string ChatId, IActorRef ConnectionActor);
    public sealed record Say(string UserId, string ChatId, string Message, DateTimeOffset Timestamp);

    /* ChatRoomActor state */
    public string ChatId { get; }
    public Dictionary<IActorRef, string> Users {get;} = new();
    public CircularBuffer<Say> Messages { get; }
    public int MaxRetainedMessages; { get; }

    public ChatRoomActor(string chatId, int maxRetainedMessages = 100){
        ChatId = chatId;
        MaxRetainedMessages = 100;
        Messages = new CircularBuffer<Say>(MaxRetainedMessages);

    protected override OnReceive(object message){
            case Say say:
                foreach(var u in Users){
                    // publish msg to user
            case UserJoined join:
                if(!Users.TryGetValue(join.ConnectionActor, out var userId)){
                    // sync user
                    foreach(var m in Messages){

                    Users[join.ConnectionActor] = join.UserId;

                // automatically un-sub disconnected users
                    new UserLeft(join.UserId, join.ChatId, join.ConnectionActor));
            case UserLeft left:
                // stop publishing to this user
                Unhandled(message); // logs a warning

This ChatRoomActor implementation does just about everything the sample above does sans persistence (which Akka.Persistence will enable later):

  1. The actor’s mailbox forces all messages to be queued in FIFO order for all users in the chatroom globally;
  2. The actor’s state caches all of the current users AND their WebSocket actors using a simple Dictionary<TKey, TValue>;
  3. The actor’s state uses a CircularBuffer<T>1, basically a fixed length queue where older values get gradually overwritten, to buffer the last n delivered messages in-memory;
  4. Because the actor only processes messages one at a time, we automatically guarantee that all users will receive the exact same message order even if they’re syncing / pushing messages.

We intentionally didn’t show what the ConnectionActor’s implementation looks like, because that’s also part of the beauty of Akka.NET: to build the ChatRoomActor you don’t need to know! You only need to know what messages to send the actor and what responses it might send back.

And therein lies the power of Akka.NET - which we’re going to begin exploring in the next lesson: “Our First Akka.NET Application.”

Further Reading

More articles, blog posts, and videos relevant to this lesson:

  1. How to Start Learning Actor-Based Programming
  2. Akka.NET: What is an Actor?
  3. When and How to Use the Actor Model An Introduction to Akka NET Actors
  1. If you want a CircularBuffer<T> implementation, try Petabridge.Collections